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Institute for the Settlement of Business Disputes

President of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation Sergey Katyrin: The ICAC has a glorious and worthy history
The President of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation Sergey Katyrin regards the history of the International Commercial Arbitration Court as glorious and worthy. He spoke at an international scientific and practical conference timed to the 85th anniversary of the ICAC.

In 1932, Sergei Katyrin reminded, the All-Union Chamber of Commerce established the Foreign Trade Arbitration Commission, which was succeeded by the ICAC. The main component of the ICAC has always been experienced professional cadres, who won the court a great international authority and recognition. During these years more than 10,000 cases have been examined.

The new legislation on arbitration, which was directly involved in the development of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation, served in 2016 as the beginning of a new stage in the development of arbitration proceedings as the most effective way to resolve business disputes. The order of two thousand "pocket" arbitration courts created, including by large corporations for guaranteed winning their cases, inefficient and acting for their own profit and often to the detriment of business, disappeared. Today, reform is at the final practical stage. The branches of the ICAC are opening, next year there will be about ten, the head of the RF CCI noted. As part of the International Commercial Arbitration Court at the RF CCI - 150 arbitrators from 25 countries, and this shows the authority of the ICAC, said Sergei Katyrin.

Denis Novak, Deputy Minister of Justice of the Russian Federation, noting the cooperation of the Ministry and the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation, said: an example of this is cooperation in the development of the current Federal Law "On Arbitration (Arbitration Proceedings) in the Russian Federation". The reform of the arbitration proceedings should be recognized as successful largely thanks to the ICAC.

The ICAC is the most systemic, respected, highly trusted business institution for the resolution of business disputes, said Boris Titov, authorized representative of the President of the Russian Federation for the Protection of Entrepreneur Rights. Recalling his previous years in business, he added: "I had to make sure of this on personal experience" ...

Chairman of the ICAC and IAC (Maritime Arbitration Commission) at the RF CCI Alexei Kostin noted that the competence of the ICAC is now broader, the court can also consider purely domestic, Russian disputes of entrepreneurs. The branches of the ICAC in Rostov-on-Don, Ufa, Irkutsk, and Kazan have been opened, and four more cities have been recommended for the organization at the meeting of the ICAC Presidium. Perhaps, added Alexei Kostin, there will also be branches at the Maritime Arbitration Commission at the RF CCI. On average, the ICAC reviews up to 300 international disputes annually with the participation of companies from 40 or more countries around the world. In 2017, as of December 4, there were 223 lawsuits filed by companies from more than 40 countries, including China, Kazakhstan, Italy, Azerbaijan, the United States, and Latvia. Twenty lawsuits have been filed over disputes between Russian companies.

During the session, Arbiter of the Court of Arbitration at the Economic Chamber of the Czech Republic and the Agrarian Chamber of the Czech Republic, Alexander Beloglavek (he spoke about the state of international commercial arbitration in Europe); with the news of the Arbitration Institute of the Stockholm Chamber of Commerce, the chairman of the board of the Stockholm Institute named Kai Hober introduced the conference participants. Legal aspects of digitalization in arbitration - this was the theme of the speech of the vice-president of the European Academy of Science and Art (Germany), a member of the Presidium of the ICAC Wilfried Bergmann. The judge of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation Natalia Pavlova spoke about the interaction of state justice and international commercial arbitration, focusing on new trends in the practice of the Russian courts.

At the conference was presented the Collection of Practice of the ICAC at the RF CCI for 2004-2016, published for the 85th anniversary of the court.
Press Service of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation.

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